Monday, 30 May 2011

SQL Server DBA Interview Questions 4

1.         What is parallelism?
2.         What’s your recovery mode?
3.         Difference between Full and Bulk recovery model?
4.         What is  AWE
5.         If SQL Server is not running after successful completion of Installation, what you will do?
6.         How to check users that are currently accessing a particular db(t-SQL command)
7.         What is blocking
8.         How many non clustered indexes are there in SQL server 2008?
9.         What are new features in SQL server 2008?
10.    If master db is corrupted then what you steps you will take.
11.    If a db is in suspect mode how can we take it to online
12.    What is failover clustering ,did you worked on clustering environment
13.    If one of your user complained that the server is rebooted. How can you know if the server is rebooted?
14.    How many types of job steps available?
15.    Replication or log shipping which one is best?
16.    Difference between cluster index and non cluster index?
17.    In a left join query what values a right table returns?
18.    Can we create the cluster index other than Primary Key?
19.    Explain about your roles and responsibilities.
20.    What are types of backups?
21.    One question on scenario?
22.    What is mirroring?
23.    What are synchronous and asynchronous modes?
24.    What are prerequisites for up gradation?
25.    Diff between in place and side by side up gradation?
26.    What is AWE and how can we enable it?
27.    If the query taking longtime to execute, how can u resolve it?
28.    What is mirrored backup and how can you take it?
29.    Explain new features in SQL 2005.
30.    Diff between rebuild and reorganize?
31.    Architecture of SQL servers
32.    Explain about replication?
33.    What is AWE?
34.    What are the agents created when you configure the replication and what their jobs?
35.    What is profiler?
36.    What is a counter and what are the counters you are regularly used in perfmon?
37.    What are the types in backups
38.    What is clustering?
39.    Diff between cluster and non cluster index?
40.    What are the services are running in SQL server?
41.    How to create maintenance jobs?
42.    What is distributor db?
43.    What is resource db?
44.    What are the services are created when configured the clustering
45.    What can you do if temp db is full?
46.    Can you brief about your professional exp.
47.    What is high availability? And which one is better.
48.    Which one is better replication or log shipping?
49.    Difference between log shipping and replication.
50.    Why we go for replication or why we go for log shipping.
51.    Responsibility of log reader agent.
52.    Prerequisites of transactional replication.
53.    Difference between transactional and bi directional replication.
54.    Can you tell me about isolation? Why it is necessary. Which one is by default?
55.    if I have log shipping replication or mirror server, why we go for
Cluster implementation.
56.    Suppose I have a table temp, field a, b, c. can I create cluster index on primary key field or can I create in different one also. Difference between cluster and non cluster index.
57.    ACID property why it is needed.
58.    If your db is suspect mode how you can manage and what possibility is there to recover it.
59.    Difference between update statistics and index rebuild, what property contains update statistics. Actually statistics means what.
60.    Backup plan.
61.    Are you using any separate tool for this?
62.    Prerequisites for SQL up gradation.
63.    What is Collation?
64.    Have you done data migration if yes what is prerequisites.
65.    What are the various services installed when SQL server 2005 is installed?
66.    What are different types of backups?
67.    Consider a scenario that a FULL backup is taken on every Sunday 12 am, a Differential backup is taken daily @ 10pm and Transaction log backup is taken every one hour.  If the SQL server is crashed on Tuesday at 11:05 am how would you restore the backup?
68.    Explain COPY-ONLY backup… does it break the backup sequence
69.    What would you do if Tempdb is full?
70.    What is data partitioning? How would you do it?
71.    Consider a scenario where the users complain that the SQL server is running very slowly.  How would you Tune the SQL Server’s Performance.
72.    What are the default counters listed in Performance Monitor (perfmon)
73.    How is Performance Monitor (perfmon) useful in monitoring the performance of the SQL Server?
74.    What are the SERVER ROLES in SQL server 2005?
75.    What is the default USER-DEFINED SERVER ROLES in SQL server 2005? – No user-defined server roles in SQL Server
76.    What are the DATABASE ROLES in SQL server 2005?
77.    What is the default USER-DEFINED DATABASE ROLES in SQL server 2005?
78.    Is there any other way of controlling the access to the database? – Application Roles-used within the applications that connect to the databases
79.    How large is the DB that you have worked on?
80.    What are various Disaster Recovery Plans (DR) available in SQL Server 2005?
81.    In which scenarios do you select Log Shipping and Replication as Disaster Recovery Plans (DR)?
82.    What are various types of Replication?
83.    What are the Agents that work in Replication?
84.    What for the DBCC commands are used?
85.    What all DBCC Commands have you worked on? Explain them
86.    What is the difference between INDEX REBUILD and INDEX REORGANIZE?
87.    Can you REBUILD an INDEX Online?
88.    What are the options available with DBCC CHECKDB?
89.    What do you know about clustering? Explain.
90.    Difference in Truncate and Delete.
91.    Explain Isolation Levels
92.    Backup and Restore Model:
93.    Is it Possible to set Bulk recovery model while configuring Log shipping?
94.    While Log shipping process is running, if we try to take a backup in primary or restore in secondary manually will it be effect to log shipping process.
95.    When the backup of large db is processing can we do the DML operations on that db.
96.    DBCC commands(DBCC REINDEX, show statistics, dbcc checkdb  etc)
97.    Update statistics- why we need to run this command. When the statics will be updated by default.
98.    What is AWT
99.    New features in SQL server 2005
100.       What are jobs will create when log shipping is configured.
101.       What are the agents in replication and replication types
102.       In a situation like, there is one publisher and two subscribers when many agents will be needed to data transfer.
103.       What are system databases in 2005, what will be store in Resource db?
104.       Which provider will be used to configure linked server between with two SQL servers.
105.       If Temp db is full , what are actions you will perform
106.       How to maximize memory allocation in SQL server (T-SQL command)
107.       What are the fixed database roles in SQL server
108.       What are the input parameters will need to provide in linked server configuration
109.       What is fragmentation
110.       Difference in clustered and non clustered index
111.       Can we have more than one unique key in a table
112.       How does transaction replication will run?
113.       Which permission you will grant to login to run the SQL profiler.
114.       What are BUILT In administrators
115.       Which option you will use to verity the backup file.
116.       What are background process will running in SQL server
117.       What are ways to transfer data from one server to other and which is the best one.,
118.       What is use of check point?
119.       What are the pre-requisites that are needed for an ‘IN-PLACE UPGRADATION’?
120.       How you resolve where a query is running very slow in 2005 where it was perfectly running in 2000.
121.       How you will check server’s memory level information. If a CPU is going very slow what steps you will take.
122.       What are the Counters are available in ‘Perfmon’
123.       What is Blocking /how you will prevent the blocking...explain step by step
124.       How you will tune a long running query
125.       How you will analyze on CPU Performance(Counter Name)
126.       What is deadlock and how to print it
127.       Explain the Process of Log-Shipping
128.       While Log shipping process is running, If LSN no is mismatched while restoring where you will check it, finally what you will do to complete the process.
129.       What is a “Database Transactions “?
130.       What is ACID?
131.       What is “Begin Trans”, “Commit Tran”, “Rollback Tran” and “Save Tran”?
132.       What are “Checkpoint’s” in SQL Server?
133.       What are “Implicit Transactions”?
134.       Is it good to use “Implicit Transactions”?
135.       What is Concurrency?
136.       What are “Dirty reads”?
137.       What are “Unrepeatable reads”?
138.       What are “Phantom rows”?
139.       What are “Lost Updates”?
140.       What are different levels of granularity of locking resources?
141.       What are different types of Isolation levels in SQL Server?
142.       If you are using COM+, what “Isolation” level is set by default?
143.       What are “Lock” hints?
144.       What is a “Deadlock
145.       What are the steps you can take to avoid “Deadlocks”?
146.       What is Bound Connection?
147.       Specify the types of Bound Connections
148.       How can I know what locks are running on which resource?
149.       Why to choose an alternative to clustering?
150.       Other high availability options
151.       About Warm Backup Server?
152.       Hot Backup Server?
153.       What is Replication?
158.       Explain about Tail log backup
159.       if u want to configure a clustered index on a table how you will analyses on which column you wanted to define
160.        what holds an Index Tuning wizard
161.        What is default value of AWE CONC.?
162.        If the RAM size 4GB how much OS will occupy in the RAM
163.        Explain about Resource and distribution databases
164.        how to make a database role
165.        Explain about table partition and virtual partition
166.       Why we go for snapshot and transactional replication
167.       What is PAE
168.       What are the types of Clustering available
169.       Pre-requisites for upgrading SQL server 2000 to 2005, if any error occurred while up gradation where you will find the error.
170.        How do you tune a long running query
171.        If you are using a third party tool, and an application to extract data. if the application is taking too much time than tool how will troubleshoot in the application level  
172.        If the Report is displayed while printing it is getting error, what and where you will check to resolve it.
173.        Backup scenario:
174.         If the master database is corrupted ,how  will rebuild it
175.       About tail log backup
176.       Architecture of 32 and 64 bit.
177.       Whats the best way to update data between SQL Servers?
178.       What are the scenarios you will need multiple databases with schema?
179.       How will you plan your replication?
180.       What are publisher, distributor and subscriber in "Replication"?
181.       What is "Push" and "Pull" subscription?
182.       Can a publication support push and pull at one time?
183.       What are different models / types of replication?
184.       What is Snapshot replication?
185.       What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Snapshot replication?
186.       What type of data will qualify for "Snapshot replication"?
187.       What's the actual location where the distributor runs?
188.       Can you explain in detail how exactly "Snapshot Replication" works?
189.       What is merge replication?
190.       How does merge replication works?
191.       What are advantages and disadvantages of Merge replication?
192.       What is conflict resolution in Merge replication?
193.       What is a transactional replication?
194.       Can you explain in detail how transactional replication works?
195.       What are data type concerns during replications?

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